Melaniel the Magnificent Child of Majesty 2

'What do you thing Rags?' asked Melaniel the Seraphim, Mel B, to Raguel the Archangel of the Realm of Eternity.

'I think Daniel has truth indeed and the Universal Truth Assembly is wise in its way, but this time they have bitten off more than they can chew.'

'No we haven't,' retorted Valandriel.

Daniel studied the gaming board.

'Difficult decision,' said Melaniel. 'What will Daniel San decide?'

'Who designed this game anyway?' asked Valandriel. 'It's – awkward. Not annoying, but a little frustrating. And it challenges you to think awkward answers too.'

'That's the point in its universal truths,' said Melaniel. 'Raguel and I took a long time to ensure this passed the board of the UTA for Official Product status.'

'I should really have been consulted on it,' said Daniel. 'Not 100% sure this is what we are looking for, but then again people are to be challenged at time, and we are supposed to be honest about things. But making people score their own honesty on an answer, and reward themselves a 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 point chip for their honesty – I mean, that can really cut some hearts up. Questions they don't want to answer, and have to answer dishonestly, but everyone knows. Really cold Melanie C.'

'Thus the name Cold Truths,' replied Melanie. 'Brilliant work. Long contemplation from your blessed Queen of the UTA in developing this magnificent gem of a board game.'

'Long contemplation indeed,' said Daniel. He stared at Melanie. 'My penis is 18 inches long.' He awarded himself a 1 point chip. Complete lie.

Melanie did not grin. Well she did, but she hid it well. 'Stud,' she said softly, under her breath.

'Shaddup,' replied Daniel the Seraphim.

The game twoed and froed and at the end Melaniel won, who was very used to answering to cold truths.

'But you designed all the questions anyway,' said Valandriel. 'Stuff you were comfortable in answering.'

'Prerogative of the Queen,' said Melanie, blowing onto her fingernails. 'I'm number one, so I make the questions.'

'I did a number also,' said Raguel.

'It's cold,' said Daniel. 'But fun. I will pass the thing as certainly an experience.'

'That much it is,' replied Valandriel.

They put the game away, and sat in the seats of Danielphon, chatting. Melanie C came in after a while, and grabbed Melaniel's hair, and they argued some details about an upcoming Spice Girls concert for a little bit, before Melanie said she was going out for the night to get pizza.

'How you finding her?' asked Melaniel to Daniel.

'She's always been pretty fab company,' replied Daniel. 'And Jessica likes another woman in the house. Gives her someone to talk to of the same gender, which she finds comforting, and they get along pretty well. Really lucky to have her hanging around.'

Melaniel scrunchged Raguel's hair. 'My bestie here is good luck too,' she said. 'Eternally grateful he doesn't mind his younger sister dogging his feet all the time for some good times.'

'We all need friends,' replied Raguel. 'And I think I have learned that if someone genuinely likes you, it's best to let them and be friendly in reply.'

'Wisdom,' said Daniel.

'Cold truths,' said Valandriel.

'I'm up for Chinese for dinner,' said Melaniel.

'As long as it's hot,' said Daniel. 'No cold fried rice for me.'

Melaniel smiled, and they ordered takeaway chinese, and the rest of the evening they ate well, watched some Eddie Murphy movies and Melaniel was in quite a good mood. Quite.

The End